Monday, April 19, 2010


As easy as it sounds to make a vision of yourself in a future it is not, especially when you trying to organize this vision and write it down... I tried to come up with visions of my future in different spheres of my life, even though all of them are very dependent on each other.

1. My family life. As of right now I'm married to a wonderful man and we are expecting a baby girl in August. In around 5-6 years i definitely picture myself being a mom, spending enough time with my child and my husband. I can see myself baking cupcakes with my daughter and having lots of fun:)) By then i would like have one more baby. (I'd like to have at least two kids). I absolutely don't picture myself as a housewife, who only cooks, cleans and walks around in her pajamas all day long. I picture myself a busy, working, elegant woman in her 30s:)To achieve this vision: I'm getting a degree in marketing. I believe that the job in this field will not only help me support my children, but also will give me more free time than a regular 9 to 5 job. As i noticed from my personal experience working in marketing, often you can work from home.If you are proactive and efficient you can have your job done fast and there is no need to be stuck at your desk.

2. My carrier. I'm already working as an office manager in a pretty big company, but this is not what i would like to do for the rest of my life. In the future i see myself working at an executive (or close to it) position,having my own office and my own assistant:)In order to achieve it: Currently I'm going to school, i know that as soon as i graduate i will be promoted and will be working in marketing field at my company. (I already let all of my managers know that this is what i want to do, and they totally agree with it, my company even pays for my tuition). This job will actually help to get the necessary experience and confidence. Then i will move to a bigger company with more opportunities to grow. Then I'll just have to work hard and prove myself.

3. My social life. I definitively want to do something great in my life. Something that I'll be remembered for. I don't know what it is yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with something:) In order to achieve this vision: I always keep my mind open to different ideas and experiences. I'm always opened to learn something new, to see something new. I believe this strategy will help me to come up with some great idea of my own one day:)


  1. Congratulations on the baby! I fully support you on being a mom that also works a 9-5 job. I don't imagine myself as a housewife either! Good Luck!

  2. aww congrats!! my sister in law got married a few months ago and even shes pregnant! its amazing how your going to school while your pregnant and working! thats crazy! looks like your really motivated! your goals are reallly good! you have included everything: from your personal life to your professional life. it includes everything which makes a person whole! good luck in your future endeavors!

  3. Congrats on the baby! After taking this class im sure you can be a great mother and still work at the same time. lol

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  6. t is great that you have both short-term and long-term goals. It seems as though you already are surrounded by your own vision. Many times a person has a vision with many many stretch goals, which is great. I think it is even better when your vision is related to what you are concentrating on today. Best of luck in your career and with your baby.

  7. Wow thats very exciting! Congratulations on the newborn! you probably have so many things to prepare for. From what i can tell youll be a great mother. I think its great that one of your visions is allocating time to spend with you husband and your children. Family comes first! Obviously, you need to be able to afford to raise a family, but allocating time to be with your family is essential. Plan well! Your visions seem very optimistic, which will positively effect your life and the ones closest to you. Best of luck

  8. WOW CONGRATULATIONS!!! It must be exciting since August is coming up soon. I originally planned to major in marketing and possibly create a potential successful future for myself but I switched to marketing. I have many goals in life and they always change every now and then. You seem to have an optimistic outlook on your future and what you expect to accomplish. I am sure you will get where you need to be because you already have your priorities straightened out and like you, my priority is my family and building goals that also includes them.

  9. sounds like you have many of your goals clearly outlined. hope everything works out

  10. It is impressive how you seperate your vision into a few different spheres. I think it is crucial to be able to organize and seperate different parts of life. This makes it easier to manage our own dreams efficiently. I also can remark that your vision is tied to your reality. For example, it is clear that you have some leverage due to your working environment, that you can use to become the marketing executive. You seem to be well on your way!!

  11. Congrats on the baby. I wish you the best of luck throughout your college career and hopefully everything works out well.

  12. Congrats on the baby. I too agree that you can't plan your life out and just simply write how your future is going to look on a piece of paper. In order to achieve an accomplishment you have to work towards it every day, if your mind is set to it anything can be made, Good luck .
