Friday, May 14, 2010


To say that blogging is not my cup of tea would be an understatement. Let me start with that I'm behind on social networking technology. I don't have Myspace or Facebook. I have a Russian variation of Facebook, but just to keep in touch with my friends from Russia. And i don't spend any time making my page attractive or pretty, since I'm not looking for new friends there. I feel much easier to talk to people in person or over the phone.
But the blogging was an assignment for the class and i had no choice but do it. So, at first i did feel sort of annoyed. It took me forever to formulate my thoughts in writing (i did it in Word first then copied and pasted it to the blog), then i felt weird to go to people's pages and comment on their blog entries. I felt like "why do i need to comment on what those people think? they are free people; they can think whatever they want to, it's not my business..."
Then as assignments became more task oriented and as i got to know those people a little better, it got more and more easier for me to express myself and to comment on my classmate's blogs. It started to feel normal.
I'm not sure if there was a great deal of learning from one another during this blogging experience but we definitely were exchanging our ideas, feelings and thoughts, which was interesting and sometimes let me see the same things in different perspectives. However I noticed that blogging made learning of management a more conscious experience, because we were asked to reflect on what was going on in class. And when you are reflecting on something after it happened you are forced to rethink it again, to make some conclusions and form your opinion on it. It helped me in understanding what management is.
I definitely think that blogging helped me out a lot. I always knew that living in the States i need to be more into it and need to develop my social networking skills, but i probably would have never done it until i was forced to. I'm grateful to this class for pushing me. I believe it needs to stay as a component of this course. Even though I'm sure a number of students would feel annoyed by it, blogging is helpful.


  1. I agree that this was a great experience to learn from others with the blogs and these blogs were given to us to make us repeating the activities in our head so we can learn the concepts.

  2. Lena, i actually share some of your first feelings about the blog:)) I don't have a facebook, I don't have twitter or anything of that kind. I believe that it's a complete waste of time. But the blog for the class turned out to be different!!! I think it's a great chance for us to remember the basics of management process in a fun way. It has been proven long ago that if you put some material in your own plain language and try to re-tell it to somebody, you'll remember it very good. So prof. Kurpis "brainwashed" us in a way :))))) he made is remember management forever:))))

  3. Lena, I like your thinking in regards to the blogging part of this class. I share same feelings towards the initial part of this assignment. As it was very difficult for me to comment on others' thoughts, especially since I was used express myself verbally more than blogging.
    Finally, I agree that blogging was useful in order to make this class somewhat different.

  4. I felt the same way about blogging in the beginning. I was never good at voicing my own opinion unless it was crucial that I did. You're right, it did become much easier, and began feeling normal as we continued to post more entries and comments. I also needed to develop better social skills, and I'm glad this blog pushed me to do so.

  5. I agree that writing a blog for our class activities is a good way to refresh our memory and rethink about management. It is a useful way to connect and communicate with other people. The blog assignment push us to learn new technology if we didn't touch it before.

  6. Its great to see that blog opened you up to social media. I have both Facebook and Vkontakte (russian Facebook) and love both of them because they allow me to share information with many people easily. Blog also gave me this opportunity. I think we should all embrace social media because it will be part of our every day real soon weather you want it or not.
